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B they're convenient

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Q: The chief reason that family and friends are frequent targets of aggression is that?
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The main reason that family and friends are frequent targets of aggression is that?

Friends and family are frequent targets of aggression because they convenient, easy targets.

The number one reason that family is the target of aggression is?

The chief reason that family and friends are frequent targets of aggression is that

Why are family and friends are frequent targets of aggression?

Family and friends are frequent targets of aggression because they are often the people closest to us, with whom we have strong emotional connections. This closeness can sometimes lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, which can in turn result in acts of aggression. Additionally, people may feel more comfortable expressing negative emotions like anger or frustration around family and friends, rather than with strangers.

What airlines allow users to give their frequent flyer miles to friends or family members?

All of the major airlines allow you to give your frequent flyer miles to friends and family or transfer the miles to another account holder with the same airline

What is the chief reason that family and friends are a frequent targest of aggression?

This is because friends and family may form the innermost social tier to those suffering from psychological anguish. Not surprisingly due to this proximity and comfort level those suffering may be more likely to express these feelings to them more openly. In doing so it can serve ask families and friends for personal support. At worst it is an alert that friends and families should contact medical and social authorities for intervention and treatment to prevent further injury.

Make sentence of to and fro?

They went to and fro between the two cities, making frequent trips to visit family and friends.

What are the ratings and certificates for My Family - 2000 Sitting Targets 4-9?

My Family - 2000 Sitting Targets 4-9 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG

What are family friends on sims?

Family friends are simply that, friends of your sims family.

Can you book reward flights for non family members in the Thai Airways frequent flyer program?

Yes you can. You do not have to be a family member to benefit from someone else's frequent flier miles.

What is better friends or family?

Well who do you love more, your friends or your family. Personally I love my friends better, my family sucks.

What are some of the major symptoms of teen depression?

There are many symptoms of depression. They include, but are not limited to, fatigue; frequent crying; withdrawal from friends, family, or activities; anger and hostility; and changes in sleeping or eating habits.

Why family and friends are important?

If you don't have any friends or family, then who will be always there for you? you need friends and family, not only to be there for you, but to also support you , encourage you, discourage you.