

Best Answer

It means either

1. the dad is a perv

2. the dad thinks the boy should like you, but the boy doesn't like you.

Both scenerios are bad.

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Q: The boy that you like doesnt talk to you that often but his dad talks about you all the time does that mean that the boy that I like likes me?
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What do you do if you like a guy who is also a really good friend of yours but you know he doesnt like you back because he talks to you about this girl he likes but she doesnt like him back?

you get a life

How can you make sure that the guy that you like likes you?

You can ask his friends if he talks about you often. And you know that he is not that into you if he is busy often.

Why doesn't a boy talk to you and he likes you but his brother talks to you?

he doesnt talk to u cuz he has feelings for you and he afraid to approch you were his brother doesnt feel u like dat so its easier

When a girl says she likes you but she has another boyfriend she talks about What is that mean?

When a girl loves you she truly means it. When she talks about a boyffriend she doesnt like you. When she talks about a guy that is a friend it means she loves you and trusts you enough to talk about it with you without you getting hurt.

What does it mean when this guy that likes you says he doesnt like you anymore yet he always talks to you?

Sounds like he likes you, but isn't sure if you like him. So he is pretending that he doesn't like you to try to find out if you like him. Or maybe he wants to be your friend. You never know!

There is this guy you like and his dad talks to you all the time does that mean the guy you like likes you?

? Because the dad talks to you? maybe the dad likes you.

Is there any way to find out if someone likes you besides telling anyone you like them?

Well I like a boy who likes me, he talks to me often, I giv him gifts so does he sometimes! and he often stares at me! But I would start a conversation with them. Find out what he likes and what u hav in common.

How do you know if a guy likes you when he already does all the normal stuff?

If he looks at you a lot, and smiles at you every time he sees you, he likes you. If compliments you, or talks to you often, he likes you. If he doesn't do that, he doesn't like you.

How can a girl get a guy to like her?

You can. If he likes you he likes you. If he doesnt then he doesnt. Sorry that's all i got

Say a guy likes a girl and the girl knows that he likes her and she likes him back but she feels as if he doesnt like her because he avoids her constatnly and never talks to her...what should she do?

When the boy avoids a girl that is one sign that he likes that girl or he just might not want to be near her or in contact that is a sign that he likes you but he doesn't like to be around you every second or minute

Why does the guy that says he likes you talks bad about you?

Awh, that is like kindergarten love. Hahah. Not nice at all tho. But probably to show off. Or get your attention, but doesnt know exactlyy how.

How guys know that a girl he likes may like him or she's a lez?

kay just cos a girl doesnt like a guy doesnt make her a lesbian, if she likes a guy she will smile when she talks to him, flirt with him, touch his arm. get close when she talks to him. look at him and look away first when he realizes she is looking at him. i think that you should put yourself out there and ask this girl if she wants to hang out with you. if she doesnt then you know she isn't interested. but if she does then slowly come around to the dating subject and see what shes says. you can only try (: