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Q: Stop a judgment from being renewed?
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Is a Domestic Judgment renewable in Mississippi?

No, a domestic judgment is not renewable in Mississippi. Once a judgment has been entered, it is enforceable for a period of 7 years. If the judgment is not satisfied within that time, the creditor may seek a writ of execution to collect on the judgment.

What should you do if a judgment is 6 and a half years old and you do not know if it will be renewed?

A judgment creditor seldom lets a judgment lapse. That would mean the entire process of filing a lawsuit and being granted a judgment wasted effort. The only option of the debtor is to pay the judgment amount or reach a settlement agreement of some type with the judgment holder.

How long does a restraining notice last for in New York?

It expires after one year. It can be renewed every year until the judgment expires. In New York, a judgment can be renewed twice (a total of 20 years).

How long does a judgment stay active in sc?

In South Carolina, a judgment is valid for 10 years and can be renewed for an additional 10 years. After 20 years, the judgment will no longer be enforceable.

Does Illinois allow for judgments to be renewed after 7 years?

No, judgments in Illinois cannot be renewed after 7 years. The statute of limitations for enforcing a judgment in Illinois is typically 20 years, which means that the creditor has up to 20 years to try and collect on the judgment.

Can a civil judgment from 14 years ago be refiled and reentered on a credit report in Florida?

Yes, if the judgment was renewed before the expiration date.

When a credit card company sues you for non-payment and you have no assets what can they actually sue for?

They can actually sue you to obtain a judgment against you. Under the state's law in which you are sued, judgments can have dire financial consequences which extend far into the future. These include wage garnishment, bank account seizure, damage to your credit and the possibility of the judgment being renewed. You may be "judgement proof" at this time, but a judgment that can be renewed indefinitely imperils you financially for the rest of your life.

How do you know if a judgment has been renewed by the creditor prior to the SOL expiring?

Define "renewed." Once a judgment of the court has been delivered (unless it is peculiarly time-sensitive) it doesn't need renewal , nor does it expire unless a motion is presented to the court to alter or vacate the original judgment.

Will a judgment stay on after 10 years if you never paid and if not does it come off automatically?

The majority of judgments can be renewed, indefinitely. Some, such as liens on real property are good for twenty years and can also be renewed. The type of judgment and the state laws need to be taken into consideration.

Can a judgment be renewed after it expires in California?

No. A judgment must be renewed within 10 years under California Code of Civil Procedure, section 337.5 or it becomes unenforceable. However, if a defendant failed to timely raise this statute of limitations in defense, it could be waived.

How many years is a judgment enforeable in S.C.?

A judgment in South Carolina is generally enforceable for 10 years, but can be renewed for an additional 10-year period if necessary.

In Michigan how long can a vehicle repo judgment last?

It depends on if it was a small claims judgment or a civil judgment. Small claims are good for 6 years from the date of judgment and civils are good for 10 years. The judgments can be renewed before they expire.