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No there is not.

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Q: Similar to adoption in the Bible?
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Related questions

Where is the birth and adoption of Moses narrated in the Bible?

The birth and adoption of Moses is narrated in Exodus 2.

Why shouldn't gay adoption be legal?

There aren't any rational or sociological reasons to ban gay adoption. Studies show kids thrive in households headed by same-sex couples. If you are trying to argue the point against gay adoption, you can't even use the Bible to condemn it, because it was never mentioned in the Bible.

If you sign over your rights as a father can you get them back?

If approved by the court, no as it is similar to an adoption.

What are Christian teachings on fostering and adoption?

The Bible says that it is a good thing to help the needy (Ephesians 4) and that we are "predestinated unto the adoption of children through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Ephesians 1). Those are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head, but judging from thoose verses, I would say that the Bible accepts adoption/fostering.

What do adoption papers look like?

Adoption papers look very similar to any other legal document. They consist of many pages of information and signatures for example.

Is adoption a sin while being married?

In what religion? Based on the text of the Bible, there is no mention of adoption being a sin, whether married or not. Rather, there are cases according to Old Testament law where it was required (for the preserving of the family birthright). Based on the Koran, adoption is a sin.

How was the Turkish adoption of culture similar to the adoption of culture by the Russians?

The Turks adopted Persian culture and the Russians adopted both the Byzantine and the Slavs cultures and mixed them. Both empires grew to be large, wealthy, and cultured.

Can we adopt him?

This question does not contain enough information to be answered. Who are you wanting to adopt? and WHY did you put this question in Bible Statistics and History, and Comparitive Denominations? Those categories have nothing to do with adoption. Here is the category about adoption:

Is Christianity holy book the Bible similar to the Torah?

The Torah is the First 5 Books of the Holy Bible.

What is the bible verse do not fear the law?

No such verse, or similar, afaik.

How many times does in the course of time appear in the bible?

This phrase does not appear in the KJV Bible, however, a similar phrase, 'in process of time', appears five times in the Bible.

What is a good title for an adoption paper?

Adoption Is Not The Answer. or.Controversy Surrounding Adoption.The Debate Surrounding Adoption. orRejecting Adoption