When there just isn't anything left to say, one or both are stand offish toward the other or feels awkward around one another, not physically/mentally/emotionally attracted to the other person anymore, you just get annoyed when you hear their name or know its them on the phone etc.
honey its over
I don't think there is signs in a long distant relationship ANSWER: A very long drive relationship.....just kidding here!
Relationship Warning Signs
well the signs of guilty in a conscious relationship. is jalousie or acting mysterious constantly mad about any thing distance from u...
Yes, there are.
when the person starts to tell you what you can and can't do.
Many call signs would be perfect for a relationship. Some examples are "in love," "In a relationship," and "All mine."
It is dangerous to be concerned with astrological signs when considering a relationship. You may bias yourself and sabotage something that could be great. Making a relationship work has nothing to do with signs and everything to do with both partners making an effort.
Maybe, and maybe not. Maybe s/he is waiting for you do do something that could show signs or something to start a relationship.
Answer In order to answer your question, you will have to define too Far.
Flashing red lights on emergency vehicles always take precedence over signs and traffic signals. In construction zones, signs related to the construction take precedence over other signs. If a policeman is present, either stopping vehicles or directing traffic, his or her directions take precedence over signs and traffic signals.
Careful -- if you expect to find those signs, you may find them even if they're not really there. Relationships change over time. If you're not comfortable with the way your relationship is changing, talk to your partner. If your partner isn't willing to talk about this, that could be one sign! On the other hand, if you keep saying "our relationship is damaged," pretty soon your partner will start believing you. This is called a "self-fulfilling prophecy," and you don't what it to come true.