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Not unless you are paranoid or insanely jealous.

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Q: Should you worry if your boyfriend cant come over your house but then goes to his neighbors?
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If you have a boyfriend and his x girlfriend is going to a party at their house that you are not going to what should you do?

Don't worry about it. If he's serious about you, there's no problem. If there's a problem, he's not serious about you.

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well.. if you have a boyfriend you should worry about him. if he does something then just kick his butt(:

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not worry about it. its ur ex

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yes, you should worry because that's not exactly right and obviously there was relations and it was more than a friendship.

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if you don't want to see your boyfriend anymore then don't worry. what i think you should do is just tell him how you feel, I'm sure he should understand.

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Yes it is okay to do that. You are only going to see him. There is nothing to worry about it.

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Don't worry about it ! Their probably still friends. if she has good taste , hahah . I wouldn't worry too much.

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Dont worry about it if you feel weird he probaly does to. You should probaly try not to go to his house go to the movies,mall,ect.That way you wont see your ex all the time

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NO you should trust your boyfriend or else you will have problems because you can't trust each other as a couple

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Sit Him Down And Tell Him You Guys Are Just Friends. He Should Understand And If He Doesnt Dont Worry About It.

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