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Get rid of this guy right away. I think you already knew the answer to this question. He will only get worse. People such as your boyfriend have what they call "explosive personalities" and not only could he explode at you, but others. You will always have your stomach up in your throat with worry. He has all the ear markings of being a physical and emotional abuser. Abusers love to control the person they are with. Mainly because they can't control the world around them (their coworkers, etc., would not put up with his nonsense) so abusers will take it out on their mate and sometimes their children. Abusers lose jobs easily. Abusers are weak and frightened because they have been in an environment when younger of abuse, and are lashing out. It's like going in circles. They don't like to get angry, hate what they are, but are extremely angry over the lack of control they had in their past and they trust few people. They just don't know what to do about it. They have pledged to themselves that they will always be in control and that no one will hurt them. Don't be a bleeding heart and think you can change this guy. You can't! He needs help by a professional and most of these abusers never clue into the fact they have a problem so few every get help. Run! Good luck Marcy I completely agree with Marcy.

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Q: Should you stay with your boyfriend if he has never hurt you physically but is borderline emotionally abusive and controlling and he has major trust and anger issues?
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