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noo , because it someone sees you do that to a child then you will go to jail.Because it is against the law to hit a child.

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Q: Should you spank a shy child?
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Should you spank if your child cusses at you?

If you are cussing the word that your child says, then no. however, if the child said it, (not mocking the parent) then it is ok. Spank the child. I don't think a child should be spanked for swearing.

Should parents spank their child if their not sure he did it?

yes.even if they did not do it they was a round when it did happen

Should you give your child a nude spank?

I am a firm believer of spanking, look at kids nowadays. Our children now are the result of not being punished correctly for their actions. They say spanking is "abusing". So for you to spank your child, be prepared for welfare to come in and investigate if your child goes to school and tells on you. A nude spank? No.

Is it legal to spank children in North Carolina?

Yes it is legal to spank a child.

How long do I spank him for?

You spank yo child for as long as your cold heart desires.

Should an adult be spanked for the same offense as a child?

yes. if they have been naughty...spank away my friend.

How many times can a parent spank a child in the U.S.?

There are no set legal limits on how many times a parent can spank a child in the United States.

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I think spanking your daughter is fine, but I wouldn't spank any child that isn't yours.

Do you spank your child with a rod or a paddle?

a rod

Is it legal to spank your child in Wyoming?


Where can you find a babysitter who does spank?

While spanking a child can be a last resort it should only involve the parents and no other person has a right to spank your child. If your child is naughty then tell the babysitter to send your child to bed early; take away privileges or make them sit in the corner, but no spankings! Some people can get carried away and harm a child.

Would you let your sons friend spank him or punish him?

Absolutely not. As a parent, you should be responsible to distribute consequences should the child do something wrong.