Doing school for the love of getting good grades and feeling good about yourself after is intrinsic motivation. This increases intrinsic motivation because you should continue to want to feel good about yourself, therefore you get good grades. A tangible reward like say candy for doing something would be extrinsic motivation because you are actually being "paid" for what you do. So, no physical things can really be applied to intrinsic motivation.
Education is for your benefit, and it is its own reward. You should not have to be paid to learn things that you will need to know in order to be successful in life.
First grade.
Only if their parents want to pay them. Your reward for good grades is knowing you're doing a good job and passing the class and eventually getting a better job than if you flunked out. However, many parents do reward their children for good grades. You must talk to your parents and see if they would agree to give you some sort of reward.
i need help getting good grades in reading
Be good, convince her, get good grades in school ad she might reward you! Thats how I got mine
Getting good grades at school
getting good grades
Get good grades.
i think grades should determine whether or not you get into extracurricular activities. It won't be fair for people who tried their hardest to get good grades because if you didn't try then why add something extra. if you tried your hardest then you should be the one getting more opportunities.
are you kidding? getting good grades is awesome! Most of the time, your grades will affect the type of car you will drive, the house you will live in, the person you'll marry, your future career, and your childrens lives, and if you're getting good grades, then all of that will turn out to be very positive!But remember, even if you get some bad grades, its not the end of the world ;)study hard, and congratulations on your grades!