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That depends entirely on your preferences, some people say it's immoral and you should wait until your married, but I think it helps to understand you partner better if you live together. It can be a shock, even if you have been together a long time, living together is always tough and doing so before your married helps you to anticipate what marriage will be like, some people find that living together puts them off marriage, so be warned, but if both of you feel comfortable taking this next step then do and enjoy it.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

It's recommended that you guys do since it is a required step towards marriage but that's totally up to you and your partner. Usually, people these days that are in engaged do move in together but as I said, it's up to you guys.


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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you love each other and you believe you aren't spending enough time together, you should move in together. If you are not both comfortable around each other as you might be when you stay around the house on lazy days it is not advisable. Take it slow, don't rush into anything.

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Q: Should you move in together before you get married?
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