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First of all, everyone else is not worth it. You'd only be cheating yourself out of life and then the haters would have won.

Secondly, the feelings you are having right now will subside and the people who do actually like you will start to reveal themselves at that time.

Keep on living, even for nothing else then do it so you can still play Grand Theft Auto 5. My guess is, that won't be allowed in Heaven :) Or if you're a girl, then so you can still watch One Direction shake it.

Try letting some other people around you how you feel and you might just make yourself a new friend.

Everyone feels this way sometime. Some more than others. I personally felt that way for at least 7 years straight until I just stopped caring. It's easy to say to stop caring about other people's view on you but once you get to that point, you'll never look back.

Life has many stages in it that are worth experiencing. I'm older than I was when I was depressed non-stop (ironically about getting older, was at least 1 of my issues). But now, I'm happier than a pot head at a buffet.

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