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Q: Should you invite a guy you just met to your home?
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to find a cute guy is that just look everywhere around classroom,city,outside and school.If you found a cute guy then maybe you should go say hello or something.If the guy says hello back then invite him into your house.Once you invite him into your house say that you like him and maybe he will understand.I'm not sure if its long but I'll keep it like this

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Teens should mix so why not?

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Well aren't your parents going to find out when the boy actually shows up to your house? If your parents aren't going to be home, just invite the kid over and they will never know :-)

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No, it is not. You should, however, invite the guy to join you...

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As a guy myself, i have the same problem with girls but i think you sould just tell him you whant to be friends and if you just met him invite him to the movies or somthing

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From a males point of view.... You should just get him alone, and then ask him out. Seriously guys don't turn girls down. I am sure that if you like him, he is a good guy. So don't worry he will accept you invite : ) Good luck!

What should I do - should I ask a guy I like to the 8th grade dance?

Why not? If you think he's cute or like him, or just want to go have fun with him at a dance, invite him over! Whatever you choose to do, don't regret; live your life how you want! :]

Should I invite one guy to my birthday party?

ABSOLUTELY! :) invite anyone you ant as long as your parents are okay with it. and if you like this certain boy. take chances. it could be worth something more. ♥

How do you make your long distance guy friend fall for you?

first you need to find out if this guy likes you. invite him somewhere close to your home and tell him how you feel. if he doesn't like you, just try to show him the real you and maybe love will blossom. if he feels the same way just date then if it's really love, the rest will come naturally. =)

How can you invite out a guy you fancy?

send him a email or letter

What do you send your guy to invite him for dinner?

you send him a card

I'm turning 13 should you have your first boy girl partie and invite your bf?

Invite the people you would most like to spend this day with. If that includes guys as well as girls, then so be it. I would suggest that any guy at your party would appreciate the presence of another guy, so make sure you invite 0 or more than 2.