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The question is ... why do you feel you have to go back to this man? If he hasn't been in your life then why go there? If by chance you have seen him since and realized you are missing out on someone pretty great, then I'd take the chance of telling him you were immature, you've since grown up and tell him how you feel. What is the worst weapon in the word? (The tongue!) We all have to weigh our words extremely carefully because sometimes what can roll off our tongue can do irreversible damage to another. Next time, think before you write anything or say anything and consider this a lesson well learned. When you treat people without disrespect the "head of the snake turns around and bites you on the butt" and you've just had your's bitten!

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Q: Should you go back to a guy you've loved for over 6 years if you told him your feelings but then began to avoid him because you were afraid of rejection?
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