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Take it from me and every other girl behind me who has been abuse. the guy that u are dating is a jack*** ounce he hits he will always hit you. In my case he got worse rapped and beat me up while i was pregnant. and did much more. after i had her i felt the same way you are feeling and once again he rapped me. Talking to guys is not cheating, because i most definatly garantee that everytime u leav he's cheating(i mean sleeping this time). i have never felt so humiliated in my life. It also affected me religious wise. he was always trying to say just like you that i was cheating on him, and would hit me when the response was no along with a punch in the face. Because he felt so guilty about the way he treated me. that he wanted to turn some blame on me. he has cheated on me five times that he has told me about(and probably somemore). Now my kid is involved because everyday im always thinking that he will come nd take her from me and do the things that he did to me to her. I don't even trust guys anymore. although tis situation is servere ive dealt with so much verbal abuse from guys. I refuse to trust and i have every reason backing me up. All guys are jacka**'s don't trust them and especially dun sleep with them until they marry you. Once a guy can marry you then it's a swarn agreement to be with you. Sleeping with a man releases a special hormon that permantly atracts the female to the male,it is also the same hormon that is released while breast feeding(it's wat bonds mother and child). These guys who want have a girlfriend will never be the real deal. Never pursue him to marriage, he is the one who is supposed to do it. And who knows he might a history of doing this to other females like mine did. Having a boyfriend is not a promise it's jus a way for a guy to manipulate a girl into sleeping with him.

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Q: Should you give an abusive boyfriend another chance if you still love him very much but do not want to get hurt again?
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# If he left because you yelled at him 2. if he thought something No # If he was cheating # If he did something bad

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Use the I'm old enough speech. Apologize to them and then they will say their disappointed but they will give you another chance. They also might ground you

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i will tell him to not do it again because that is bad. i will give him another chance.

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it depens on what made you 2 separate if it was just to have a break then give him another chance

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either give him another chance .. or dump him (:

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==One thing at a time== If your husband is truly abusive (you're not just looking for an excuse to wander), then you need to get out of the relationship, and fast! Once you have removed yourself from the abusive relationship, and have a chance to reflect on the reasons you chose a man like that, and also the reasons for remaining in the relationship once you found out that he was abusive, then...and only then, you should feel free to look for, and engage in, other relationships. If your old boyfriend truly cares about you, he will understand and give you the space you need to work through your present problems. Good luck. Bugger off with the old flame if you've got any sense.

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You can try to be friends with him, because guys are also effected greatly by hurt. After friendship you may be able to have your boyfriend back.

How can you tell your boyfriend your sorry?

its a trust thing. you should have him look you in the eyes and ask him. if hes able to look you in the eyes with no emotion then youll no. if he looks away then he is not serious. maybe you should give him another chance. vess Matt