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Church is what's inside of you.if you feel better worshiping own your own, then I think it's ok as long as you don't add or take anything away from it.

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Q: Should you feel guilty not going to church?
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Yes you should feel guilty about it. This is not a loyal thing to do.

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You should not feel guilty about that. But it does all depend on how old she is if she's five or six you should not feel guilty, little sisters are a pain, but if you are afraid that she might tell apologize to her, and she will forgive you, but if she is 10 or 11 then you should not feel guilty at all. Because the chances of her swearing to are about 9 out of 10

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Go to a church and confess your sins to a priest inside the private confessional room. Then you will not feel guilty about yourself and you'll feel like a more better person.

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I think that he should after what he did

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they should and proborably do, but they have no choice!!

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Answer to that is not if u feel comfertable in them and its who u are.

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If she had an STD then yes if not no you should not

I'm a new Christian I was atheist before what should I do?

Find a church you feel comfortable going to, and worship God. Question your decision.