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Q: Should you concentrate on the species people like best?
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you can concentrate on what you want to or ask a teacher for help in case you want to concentrate you should give it your best try..............

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That's an opinion. It's a fact that people concentrate to their favorite type of music. So it depends on the persons' personality.

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Concentrate on the one person whom you think can help you best

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Any runners should be removed to concentrate growth on flowers and fruit rather than on new plantlets.

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The best way to concentrate and study is to turn of the television, radio, and any cell phone.

How concentrate on study?

The best way to concentrate and study is to turn of the television, radio, and any cell phone.

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That depends of the species, a terretrial salamanderwould appreciate a terrestrial habitat, an aquatic species is best kept in an aquarium.

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There is no real quality difference in pull vs push for electric fans. Rather you should concentrate on the company, power, and reviews to pick the best fan that works for you.

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klara, amber, tara, jenna and (me) alannah are the best at birds 34 species!! we are also the best at everything!! I hope the best people in the world have helped you.

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You should concentrate on foods rich in Omega 3 and vitamin D, which you are most likely critically deficient in, if you are American.

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You should just read through the question paper carefully first and then while writing the answers don't let your mind wander and just concentrate on the particular question you're on so that you don't forget what you have studied and don't make silly mistakes... BEST OF LUCK!!' Cathy

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People should try and be the best at whatever they do. This shows maturity and responsibility. People are judged by their actions, and if someone doesn't do their best, they will be negatively judged by others.