Yes he did indeed cheat on his wife.
well i loved my women but i slept with someone else. in fact my wife joined in. it was the best night of my life mary greensdale
heck no! just because she cheated on you doesnt give you any reason to cheat on her.
There are no "strategies" for men who cheat-unless there is the off chance the wife is not sleeping with him. Men who cheat have issues that only God or a trained therapist can solve.
ANSWER:You can find the answer to your question by asking yourself a question. Is it okay for my wife to cheat on me?
It is unknown how many wife cheat on their husbands. Some wives cheat on their husbands and never tell.
well if he is married why does he call you are you his wife or what? cause a married man should never cheat on his wife even if the wife was cheating and they want to get fair they should never cheat on their wife because that is saying that they don't really love their wife they just want the wife to think that their husband loves the wife and he is secreting having sex with another person
So the question is should I help a married man cheat on his wife. I think you know the answer to that. No.
Then in the unlikely event that he leaves her for you, he will one day cheat on you with another. You should move on, now. He's not worth it, and it's not fair to the wife who has done you no wrong.