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No you shouldn't, if you love their personality you shouldn't because its judging them on how they look + its not their fault.

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Q: Should you break up with your boyfriend because he's short?
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Your boyfriend is amazingly good looking and is a sweetheart and always texts you when his phone isn't taken away What should I do because I don't want to break up with him?

Just give him a short reply because if you just ignore him then he would be offended

What should i do for my best friend because her boyfriend just broke up with her?

There's lots of things you could do. See a movie, go ice-skating, go shopping, go out for a meal, take a short break or even just be there for her if she needs to talk.

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Answer he tells your friends he will break up with you or when he talks to u says short stuff like hows it goin?

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Maybe she told you that, because she knew she could trust you. She could open things up, because she felt comfortable around you

Should you break up with your bf because he is being a jerk and shady?

If you are unhappy in a relationship, then you should end it. Life is too short not to be happy in relationships. A relationship should enhance your life, not bring you down.

Where should one go for short breaks in Europe?

An individual can go for a short break in Europe with assistance from places such as TravelSupermarket, Expedia, and Lonely Planet. Europe has many destinations available to go to for a short break.

What is a short break line?

what is short break line

What should you do if your boyfriend has another girl and he keep lying?

Why is he still your boyfriend? If you don't like what he is doing, leave him. Life is too short to put up with nonsense.

Do girls ever get embarrassed about her short boyfriend?

yes, because girls mostly like taller boys!

Is taking a break with your boyfriend going to help solve your problems?

usually not because once you come back you still haven't worked through the problems. however a short break may allow tempers to drop, rationatity to prevail, and allow each person to gather their thoughts and feelings so that they can come back and discuss and fix the problems that caused the need for the break.

What is a short rest called?

A short rest is often referred to as a breather or quick break.

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call him toodle-muffin-love-sauce or the equivalent