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If you dont want to smoke, which by the way, smoking is horrible for your health and to your beauty, then yes you should break up with him. You should never let a guy pressure you into something that you dont want to do. I tell you this from experience.

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Q: Should you break up with a boy who smokes and wants you to smoke?
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Don't join him , all he will do is make you try even more drugs . If you do that he will try to control you. No one wants to hang out with someone who smokes that's a bad reputation

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Should you be ok with your boyfriend smoking weed occasionally he quit for more than a year but now he wants to go back to it would it be ok if he smokes?

1st if he smokes occasional, might not be so bad, some people can handle that stuff well. On the other hand if hes the type to sit on the couch and do nothing with his life... and smoke one after another................. well then hell no it's not ok! They also say it is a gateway drug to other things like Crack. I would really reconsider calling someone like this your boyfriend, if your not ok with this I don't think you should stand for it, because eventually it will break you up. not really, theirs lots of bad side effect that can be caused from smoking it. Even if you smoke it just for awhile. It also can suddenly be very addicting.

Should a girlfriend break up with you over you having girlsox?

No that is bullshift, if the girl wants to break up then she is stupid.

Does Juliet huddy smoke?

She once said in a interview, she smokes here and there but she wants to quit

What should you do when your friend wants to break up w her bf and wants advice from you What should you tell her?

You tell her to do what she thinks is best for her and only she can decide what is best for her relationship.