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No - drunks as you may know decide to get on the phone and start dialing wishing and talking to anyone who will answer it doesn't mean anything - actually if anything its funny but understandibly annoying. However, if he is ignorant or making comments to her then she should address this with him and/or just not answer the phone.

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Q: Should you be jealous that your girlfriend's best guy friend calls her when he's drunk?
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well Jacob was jealous of Edward, but that did change the situation too much. I think that your girlfriend should deal with her friend, but I say go ahead and keep dating. if its jealousy, and if her friend is a true friend, she'll keep her jealousy under and inside herself, but that doesn't mean she should let any believe she's not jealous any more. I say leave it up to your girlfriend, but advise her to not allow her friend's petty jealousy to get in the way, unless she starts to feel she is doing something wrong which will in turn very possibly affect your relationship. I do hope every thing works out for you man. if you have any more questions, just ask me Nicole Gentry 93

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well you tell him or her that you are feeling weird that your not answering your calls and please will you just asking if you want to be your friend ? and walk away

My best friend is jealous because her boyfriend called me pretty what do i do?

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself if you are interested in this guy. If the answer is yes then you need to be truthful to your friend. If the answer is no then think about the whole situation. You haven't done anything wrong. Tell your friend that even if her boyfriend likes you, you are not interested. If I was your friend I would go out with a guy that calls my best friend pretty but not me.