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of course! Hey, am sure you would like him to be honest with you, not so? In that case, you both have to be honest with each other if you want to build a strong and healthy relationship.

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Q: Should you be honest with your boyfriend?
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The most important thing to do is be honest. Be completely honest no matter how the outcome is.

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You should be honest about it's the best way to go

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The way u should handle boyfriend problems is by being honest and open i had this problem my self just be honest and see what happens and is he doesnt care just dump him

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You should just ask them and be honest.

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Find someone that is honest with you and you are honest with him.

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be honest with your boyfriend

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I think that you should take some time away from your boyfriend. It's not going to work out if u have feelings for someone else. Be honest! A man likes a woman to be honest. If u have feelings for someone else,u must not be happy in your relationship.

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You need to be honest with your boyfriend at once. You owe this to him, and it should be done in a caring manner. Do not wait on this, however, as it can cause more complications down the line.

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Be Honest.

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Dump him. If he can't be honest with his friends then he won't be honest with you.

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You need to be honest about your feelings for him. If you no longer love or like your boyfriend, you owe it to him to tell him the truth. While this might break his heart, it is better to be honest than to suffer the consequences later on.