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Yes. It is a proper noun.

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Q: Should tooth fairy be capitalized
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What is the tooth fairy's name in Canberra?

the tooth fairy. is what you should call him/her!! if not that is OK.

Should the fairy be capitalized?

Yes, "Fairy" should be capitalized when referring to a specific type of mystical being, such as in "the Fairy Queen." It is capitalized when used as a proper noun.

Why should parents lie about the tooth fairy?

well i think the tooth fairy is real.But if she/he is fake then they sould tell ther kids that the tooth fairy is real.Becaus it will keep ther spirits up so they can be kid.

Is the tooth fairy married?

Are you married mrs. tooth fairy As the Tooth Fairy is such a special Fairy and is soooo busy with all the little children's teeth popping out! There are some things that the Tooth Fairy just doesn't tell anyone, never, ever, under any circumstances! The Tooth Fairy works so hard gathering teeth from all over the world, that the Tooth Fairy needs to keep some things private and personal. The minute the Tooth Fairy answers that question, then all the children will cry out "Oh Tooth Fairy... If You are Married, Who did you marry?" Then should the Tooth Fairy answer such a question? No! That would be a betrayal of their trust, if such a marriage does exist! As I said, the Tooth Fairy, a special Fairy, must have some things that are just the Tooth Fairy's, and it is not for us to know. I think a little mystery in life is a good thing, it keeps you guessing and wondering. Maybe that is why the Tooth Fairy decided to keep some personal things, personal.

How does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth?

The tooth fairy is your parents

Does the tooth fairy have any pets?

the tooth fairy does have pets dog teeth are the tooth fairy's pets

Are there African tooth fairies?

no there is no African tooth fairy there is no tooth fairy at all

What color hair does the tooth fairy have?

It depends if your talking about a boy tooth fairy or a girl tooth fairy, but regardless it is sparkly.

How old is he tooth fairy?

I think the tooth fairy is 27

Do tooth fairy has a vacation?

There is no such thing as the stupid tooth fairy

Does the tooth fairy have helpers?

sorry, but there is no such thing as a tooth fairy

What does the tooth fairy drink?

the tooth fairy drink milk