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Q: Should their be bubbles when you shake a snow globe?
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Who sings the song in the coca cola snow globe ad?

train. the song is called shake up Christmas

How do you make a snow globe with glycerin and water?

To make a snow globe with glycerin and water, first fill a glass or plastic globe halfway with water. Add a few drops of glycerin to help the snow fall slowly. Then sprinkle in some glitter or artificial snowflakes and seal the globe tightly. Shake it up to disperse the "snow" and enjoy your homemade snow globe!

How do you get the glasses reward from mission 11 on club penguin?

when you receive the snow globe press the button on the side to shake it and the glasses will appear

How do you get snowballs in RuneScape?

They were from a past Christmas event. There was a Christmas Event years ago, and you got a snow globe which you could shake and get an inventory of snowballs.

Is a snow globe heterogeneous?

yes. a snow globe is a heterogeneous mixture

Where is the snow globe gift in clubpenguin vegetable villain?

Well actually you get the snow globe as a gift from the dancing penguin. If you help him during the mission, you get the snow globe.

How do you get rid of cloudy water from snow globes?

Cloudy water in snow globes can be caused by impurities or air bubbles. To clear the water, try gently shaking the snow globe to release any trapped air bubbles. If the water remains cloudy, you can try adding a drop of dish soap and shaking gently to help break up any impurities. If the problem persists, it may be best to empty the globe, clean it thoroughly, and refill with fresh distilled water.

How do you fix a leaky snow globe?

If the snow globe is sentimental or has value to you, you can have it repaired by several companies. Expect to spend MORE than the snow globe was originally priced, as the handwork involved is considerable. Search "snow globe repair" on the web,

Where can you buy a snow globe?

There are a number of companies who sell snow globes online. You may wish to search with a specific term such as "disney" snow globe, holiday snow globe, photo snow globe, custom snow globe, romantic snow globe, etc. to identify the type of product you are looking for specifically. Locally, check card stores, discount and department stores (especially in the holiday decoration section), places that sell tourist items, and artisan shops.

How does snow get stuck in a globe?

Actually, it's not really snow. It's just plastic particles made to look like snow. Now that that's settled, They get the "snow" into the snow globe by putting it in water which is then inserted through a hole in the bottom of the globe. If you look at the bottom of your snow globe, there is most likely a hole with a stopper inside it:)

Is a snow globe an example of colloid?

actually, I think yes because if dirt floating on water is a suspension and you shake it and it goes back into suspension form then its a suspension

Where is the moshi monster snow globe?

You need a code for the Liberty Snow Globe. For other snow globes, check the shops in Monstro City.