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If someone invites a person to dinner, the person doing the inviting should pay.

However, if going out to dinner is a mutual decision, some people feel that both persons should pay their share.

If a man and a woman go out to dinner, the woman may expect the man to pay, so the man should not expect the woman to offer to pay... but if she does, then he should gracefully accept her offer.

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13y ago
  • No, generally the male pays for the dinner. You don't have to go to a fancy place to eat, but can take her to a popular, but cheaper cafe or restaurant. Some women may suggest they prefer to pay for their own meal (they don't want to make a commitment too soon and want to remain independent) but if she says nothing then the male pays for the meal and the tip.

If the woman was the one doing the inviting, yes, she SHOULD offer to pay . If the man says " Oh, no, allow me. " , let him.

it is my personal opinion, as a guy, that men should always pay. it goes without saying, just like holding the door and taking the coat. also, you have to know that stuff like that is a sign of respect, and how much this guy cares about you.

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