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Wife? No. Ex-wife would be more correct.

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Q: Should the boyfriend still refer to his ex as his wife?
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What do you do when your boyfriend puts his ex wife before you?

Well, if your boyfriend puts his Ex- Wife in front of you, than you should confront him about it... tell him how you feel about it, if he fights about it, than you choose if you still wanna be with him or not!

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Leave him. He does not plan on getting a divorce and being with you and you only.

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dump him

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No, It is not okay. That is still infidelity

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If you are a girl then yes maybe. But if you are a guy you should not be married If she has another boyfriend

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Yes, you can hire an investigator to find out if your boyfriend is still with his wife. Investigators are not cheap so try to pick one week or even a weekend if you suspect he sees his wife at those times to find out. Often retired police officers are private investigators so phone around and ask their rates.

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Does your boyfriend have to get a divorce still if he was unaware that his new wife was married still to another person?

Yes. His marriage is invalid.

Why is my boyfriend always around his ex-wife?

Still cares for her, or maybe its child care.

How do you get your wifes boyfriend out of the picture?

Personally you should get them both out of the picture. She must not be very good wife material if she has a boyfriend.

Is my boyfriend still in love with his ex wife. they have a child together but talk on the phone when the child isn't even home?

it honestly depends on what they are talking about. if you trust your boyfriend then there should be no problem, but if there is a trust issue then maybe you should be worried. but then again it really does just depend on what they are talking about!