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Unless it has SIGNIFICANT meaning to you and your relationship with your girlfriend, no! She may see it as a lack of care or concern about your relationship and just think you are trying to get the cheap way out. The only way that should be acceptable is if she is a sentimental person and SHE can value the ring. Even if you value the ring and she doesn't it would be better for you to give the ring as a gift and not an engagement ring. She wants to cherish the ring you buy her and wants to remember the love from y'alls relationship when she sees the ring. If she doesn't like the ring or holds resentment because you didn't actually buy her a ring, that would make it very difficult for her, and possibly you too! But because it was "her" wedding ring she isn't going to want to trade it for an improvement on down the years when you buy her something else because she doesn't like it! You may try to casually bring a question like that up in conversation sometimes.

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Q: Should one give a wedding band as an engagement ring that came from his parents divorce?
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Should you show her the wedding band you bought with the engagement ring?

Sometimes the engagement ring and wedding band come together, but whether or not it does or doesn't you can certainly show her the wedding band.

Is it customary to give gifts at a wedding engagement party?

Gifts are not customary at an engagement party because they are expected at the wedding and etiquette dictates that those who are invited to an engagement party should be invited to the wedding. If you choose to give a gift you can but it is not required or expected.

Should you give her a wedding ring or engagement ring?

If you plan to ask her to marry you, you should give her an engagement ring. The majority of engagement rings are diamond but keep in mind that you can easily find a diamond engagement ring for your budget. If you buy a nice engagement ring, you and your bride-to-be can buy your wedding rings with or without diamonds or just plain gold (or another material) wedding bands.

Are wedding rings supposed to cost just as much as an engagement?

* No wedding rings or bands shouldn't cost more than an engagement ring in most cases. Often the engagement ring may come with the wedding ring. With the way the economy is going now you should have no problem getting a fairly good deal on an engagement and wedding ring.

Who chooses the wedding and engagement rings?

the man because he should be a gentleman

Should kids be allowed to divorce there parents?

No kids should not be allowed to divorce parents. They should be allowed to make them up. Divorce is a big decision and i not taken by children.

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* Generally an Eternity Ring is worn on another finger where it is on it's own and shows up more than crowded in with an engagement ring and wedding band, but there are no rules that you can't wear it on your wedding band finger and it should go below the wedding band and engagement ring.

Are you supposed to wear your engagement band first or second?

It's always upon you and the design of the Engagement Ring and the Wedding Band. But I think that you should wear the wedding ring/band first and after that Engagement Ring because Wedding is more special day in your life and it will always stay closer to your heart.

Can you give an engagement ring while still married?

If you are married she should already have an engagement ring. You give her the engagement ring when you propose, before the wedding is even planned.

How do you acknowledge a wedding engagement announcement?

If this is not a wedding invitation and it's for an engagement party then you could phone the host (there should be a contact number ... do not email them as they may not be checking their emails) to let them know if you are coming or not.

Proper engagement announcement of children of divorced parents who are now remarried?

The biological parents should be on the engagement announcement whether they are divorced or have remarried.

Who gets the engagement ring if the wedding is called off?

whoever brought the ring should get it back .