Yes! Marriage is a life long commitment. In the words of a famous leader, "Marriage is not an agreement, marriage is a commitment." We don't just make a verbal agreement and shake hands (or kiss); we make a commitment. We pledge our lives, our souls, our very beings to love, cherish, (and obey - if you are a lady), " 'til death do us part." The thing many people are lacking today is true commitment. This is sadly the case in not just marriages, but the business world also. If the going gets tough, the tough find a good lawyer. It's easier to declare bankruptcy than to pay the debt. It's easier to divorce than to make the marriage work. There are many biblical reasons why marriage is a life-long commitment, and the harsh punishment upon those who did not keep their commitment. Besides all those, it boils down: to are you person of honour and integrity? Do you keep your word? Can you be trusted? When a person breaks their marriage vows, "To love and to cherish,......until death do us part" how can they retain any honour or integrity? He is not a man of his word and should not be trusted. Marriage is not always easy. My granny told me that, "You've never really loved a person until you seriously wanted to kill them a time or two." Sometimes you will feel lonely, rejected, maybe even neglected and mistreated; but duty comes before happiness. You have given your word and you must stand by it. The good news is that you don't have to stand alone. Reach out to God, first. He's always there. Then to a trusted pastor. They are not only trained counselors, but also have a direct line to God for extra wisdom and insight. When you stand and say your wedding vows, you are making a commitment to God, to yourself, and to your spouse. You cannot divorce, without breaking your commitment.
yes if you love each other. The words "...As long as you both shall live..." while getting married might help.
Marriage is a long term commitment. According to the Bible Christians should not divorce.
Yes it should be
Do you see marriage in your future? Why/Why not? At what age do you see yourself entering into marriage? At what age, in your mind, do you think a person is mature enough to make this life long commitment? Explain your answer.
Holy Orders and marriage are the sacraments of commitment in the Catholic Church. Holy Orders is for men who wanted to be priest in the Church, and marriage is a life-long commitment between a man and a woman.
The minmum age to get married is to reach pubertyThen you should reach the minmum marriage age as specified by the relevant specific countryThen you should feel able to afford the marriage responsibilities and expenses.Unless you have a shotgun wedding.
its considered a life long commitment because its easier to gain weight then lose it, so your whole life you have to work to keep it off
Neither would make for a successful marriage. It's better to indulge in a life long commitment when the feelings are categorized as mutual. If you don't have a "best-friend" type of relationship, don't bother even contemplating marriage.
It is 'expected' that after a long courtship you propose. If you plan on getting married at all in life, go for it. If you don't believe in marriage generally, then don't do it for show. If you want to call this person your wife/husband and it feels right, go for it. If you don't want to make that commitment now you probably won't want to ever and they are not the person for you.
After you get married. It is wrong to have sex before marriage. It leads to disease and unwanted pregnancies and ultimately heartbreak and misery. Value yourself enough to hold out for a person worthy of you that will honor your value as a life long companion in a monogamous relationship that carries the commitment of marriage.
Take it as a good sign, but not as a promise of life-long commitment.
Marriage is a commitment to your relationship. It shows that you are mature enough and ready to take on the responsibility of a family. There is no "certain" age for marriage. If you are mature enough to handle family and responsibility and committed enough to make your partner happy, I think you can marry any time in your relationship as long as you and your partner are above the legal age to marry.