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In the US, same-sex marriages are legal and recognized in the states of New Jersey and Massachusetts. California, Connecticut, New Hampshire Vermont, Washington, and Oregon allow same-sex partnerships and/or unions.

In general homosexuality must be differentiated from homosexual conduct. While homosexuality as a personal choice is not seen as a matter of law in most jurisdictions, homosexual conduct might be penalized in some situations depending on the jurisdiction, state and country. Typically, indoors and private homosexual conduct is not penalized while homosexual behavior in group activities, in public or in public places may be considered as infractions to public order or to public morality in some places.

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14y ago
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16y ago

You cannot simply 'Abolish' a group of people based on their sexual preference, but you are allowed to disagree.

To Abolish homosexuality is immoral, illegal, unethical and goes against the foundation of the country. The beauty of a free democratic society, the US in particular- is the ability to have choice and freedom (whether you agree with it or not) and to practice that choice and freedom as long as it does not harm those around you.

Many people believe that homosexuality is immoral and wrong. Luckily, because we do live in a DEMOCRACY you have the right to openly voice those opinions. Just remember... The same way you have the right to protest it, gay and lesbian people have the right to live as they wish-you must respect their right to be free to be who they are.

== == Gay people add to the rich tapestry of life. Where would Hollywood and Broadway be without gays? Think what a mess the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel would be if Michelangelo had been straight. Probably an off-white semi-gloss. How boring the news would be if we couldn't hear what George Michael has done lately! Who would there be to answer questions like this to cheer up your lives! Do you want everybody to be the same? Do you want everybody to be like you? No thanks! There is much scientific proof that Homosexuality is genetic and not a voluntary decision ----

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13y ago

personally i do but im not homosexual, i just think that they should get the same rights as any other person but that's just me. other people have different oppinions on the subject


I think gay rights should be protected as far as they don't infringe on other's rights. In other words we should treat them like people because they are still people after all. One thing that needs to be said is about marriage... Marriage is a religious union and here in America at least marriage has been coopted as a "civil union" in order to capitalize on marriage which I think is wrong. I believe that the Govt. shouldn't have anything to do with the matter. And as politicians are abusing the phrase... The fact of the matter is, is that at least in Christianity being gay is wrong, an abomination, a sin... but Jesus/God doesn't "hate" gays.... I believe those who call themselves Christians and "Hate" gays commit the greater sin of the two. In essence being gay is a sin that effects mostly just the individual... or couple lol and it's not to be classified as the sin of murder or any sin that is commited against a person. They're just different. And God will make the judgment call on all sin. I don't think gays should be givin Christian ceremonies like marriage but we as Christians should welcome them and share the gospel and treat them like Jesus would... with love and compation yet teach them that it's wrong but don't exclude them from the simple dignity that each of us deserves like that so called church that protest at graves.... THEY ARE NOT CHISTIANS! They will be denied by Christ before the father unless they change their ways.

- Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 22:35-40... ~One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied:"'Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."~

... How far has America fallen from the principles of it's founding... Christianity.

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12y ago

Even though I would like to say yes, one should take into account economic consequences. If it (I'm assuming this means pot) were to be legalized, it could be manipulated like the price of gold and driven into the stratosphere as regards price, i.e. Amsterdam.

Every one looks at the Netherlands model as ideal, but what is often overlooked is that there is no negotiation there. They give a price, you pay or you leave!

Some places there (I've been there three times) charge 6 times the going rate for below average stuff.

Also, remember that Tobacco and America go back to the 15th century and was seen of as a wonder-drug, and that is why it is near and dear to the hearts and minds of us patriots. Pot was mass-produced long before tobacco and would always be manipulated.

It should be decriminalized (meaning simple confiscation or a small fine, no jail time) but it cannot be legalized, nor will it ever be!

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10y ago

As of 2014, homosexuality is legal in all 50 US States and in about 130 countries.

Same sex marriage is legal in most of the U.S., and in the following countries:








Luxembourg (as of January 2015)

Mexico: only in CA, QR, and DF


New Zealand:



South Africa



United Kingdom:· England and Wales (and Scotland as of January 2015)

United States: AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, HI, ID, IL,IN, IA, KS, ME, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY, DC, 20 native tribes (this list is changing quickly and may be outdated by January 2015).


Same sex marriage is also recognized but not performed in Israel.

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10y ago

Same-sex marriage should be and is being legalized. The legalization of same-sex marriage, in fact, makes the legalization of polygamy less likely, since it would be more difficult to restrict polygamy to the one-man-many-wives model found in the Old Testament. Society is even less like to accept allowing one woman to marry several men, or allow a marriage between two men and two women. Where same-sex marriage is legal, it would not likely be possible to legalize polygamy and still keep it in a form that favors males over females.

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11y ago

Yes. It's wrong to judge or discriminate against a law-abiding person because of their nature.

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13y ago

Assuming you are asking about the US or Western Europe, homosexuality is legal.

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10y ago

homosexuality has already legalized in most of the countries of the world, as it should be, since the government has no legitimate interest or benefit in controlling people's personal lives.

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