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Personally, when you kiss someone I believe you should feel a bit of pleasure, protection, or warmth with the person. You wouldn't want to kiss someone whom you feel disgusted with or say to yourself "EWWW" but it may take time for the spark to build. After a while, if it still isn't there, you should let it go. I hope this helps =)

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Q: Should each Kiss have a feeling when you kiss someone?
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if you love him/her then yes. ----

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It's always hard to tackle a first kiss with someone because theres an awkward unknowingness of what the other person wants, but the key to knowing if you should kiss her or not is if you truly feel it. If you both are together, and are lingering, looking at each other, i promise you that it will hit you. You will suddenly know either "yes, this is it, this is right" or "no, not now, its not clicking right." Overanalyzing going in for a kiss is a mistake, because the more you think about it, the less likely you are to do it. When you look at each other and it feels right, go for it.

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It's important to remember that physical affection should be consensual and age-appropriate. Instead of trying to make someone kiss you, focus on building a strong friendship and getting to know each other better. If the other person feels the same way, a kiss may happen naturally as you both grow older and more comfortable with each other.

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If it is someone they know they give them a hug and a kiss, and if a stranger a handshake.

Do people kiss to greet each other in Spain?

For the most part yes (at least from my experience/to my knowledge). One kiss on each cheek is is a common way to greet someone and also done when saying goodbye.

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Goldfish to not kiss each other. They may play, or bump into each other, but they do not kiss.

Can a little boy kiss a little girl?

of course ,but,you should known that you must known each other very much! just kiss her!

When should i kiss my girlfriend?

Definitely yes. A kiss is an act of love and one way of saying I love you. Kiss will keep you close to each other.

What does a real kiss mean?

When you get that feeling like everything around you is fading away and it is just you and him left. Then your whole body gets this tingling feeling and heart starts to beat really fast. Your knees start to weaken so he has to hold you closer and every muscle in your body is frozen. That kiss usually doesn't happen but that is a real kiss.

In Chile is it there custom to give someone a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye?

yes, sometimes one on each cheek