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No if your wrongdoings are bothering you confess them first maybe that person will learn to trust you.

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Q: Should a person confess their wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness before you forgive them?
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Should you cover a sin or confess it?

confess it and ask for forgiveness

Should a person ask for forgiveness before you give it to that person?

OpinionArguably, if you are not willing to forgive unless asked for forgiveness, then your forgiveness is not real. It is an act of extreme charity to genuinely forgive someone who has not asked for that forgiveness.

Where in the bible does it say who can forgive?

It should describe forgiveness throughout the whole bible and anyone and everyone can forgive!

Why is it important to forgive others?

There are two Important aspects to forgive someone. 1. You must forgive. You should forgive even though that person isn't sorry, and pray for them continuously. If a wife divorces her husband because he abused her, she should pray and forgive him. When you forgive, it's like taking a step towards heaven. It says in the bible, Peter asks, "How much should I forgive? As much as seven times?" And Jesus replies, "Not just seven times, but seventy seven times..." This is just something to think about and put into practice. Not literally "I forgive you" seventy seven times, but it means to forgive and mean it. 2. How much that person needs the forgiveness. Everyone needs forgiveness. And God is the one who gives it if no one else does. That doesn't mean if someone says "I forgive you", your sin is gone. you still have to confess it by going to confession.

People you should confess your sins to for judaism?

A Jew seeks forgiveness for his sins from the one against whom he sinned. No human being can forgive sins against god, and god doesn't forgive sins against other people. The Jew has to discuss the matter directly with the appropriate victim of his sin, whoever it happens to be.

What is a good reason to ask for forgiveness?

You could ask for forgiveness because you are desperately sorry for something you did. If you are truly sorry, then the person you are apologizing to should realize and forgive you.

Does the Bible say that you should forgive and forget?

The Bible teaches forgiveness but nowhere does it tell you to not learn from experiences.

What is Jesus' position on forgiveness?

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

What are you supposed to do if you sinned?

If you know you have sinned, you should ask forgiveness from the Father in Heaven. He will forgive you if you are truly sorrowful and repentant for what you have done.

What should you do if somebody has hurt you but hasn't asked for forgiveness do you forgive them anyways?

No, until they own up to it, they feel as if nothing is wrong.

To love is to forgive?

One should only forgive their partner if they have made one human error regarding a break up or cheating, but if they continue then love and forgiveness does not cut it and you should walk away from them.AnswerYes, to love is to forgive but if someone treats you badly over and over you should walk away. You can still forgive that person but do not place yourself in a situation where you are repeatedly treated badly. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to stay with that person or be friends with them. However, everyone makes mistakes and if you really love someone and want to be with them, and they love you, you should forgive them. It depends on the circumstances whether you stay with someone or not.

What should you do if you do not able to fulfill what you promise to god?

Allah is very Merciful, if you seek his forgiveness with true heart then he will insha Allah forgive you.