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Masturbation is often seen as disgusting (including by me), and looked down upon in many religions, but there are confirmed health benefits, at least for women. You can, I don't think you should, but it is healthy and does release stress. If you do it, make sure nobody is home, and if they are, lock the door. And if you don't have a lock, go in the bathroom and take a shower, since 90% of women masturbate in the shower

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15y ago

Well, that's totally up to the girl. If the girl would feel comfortable about it and if she can rely on the boy ofcourse she could let him.

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Q: Should a girl let their boyfriend finger them?
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If you are a girl then yes maybe. But if you are a guy you should not be married If she has another boyfriend

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u get ur middle finger (because its the longest) and where the hole is that the penis goes into the vagina, place ur finger there then push into her and out The question was " how SHOULD a boy finger a girl " and NOT how a boy SHOULDN'T finger a girl, that is how you don't do it, unless you don't want her to let you do it again.

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No and No. At the age of 15 the part of the brain that controls judgment is still developing. Any situation that can induce large quantities of hormones can turn a bad situation into a teen pregnancy.

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If you want him to do it. Or if your comfortable with it let him do it. Really it all depends on what type of girl you are. Also make the right choice.

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If your boyfriend has a girlfriend then you should be getting out of this situation as fast as you can - let him go and move forward. If you decided together to date others then no you should not contact her as it was decided it was ok. If you were to be monogamous - get out and get out now as this is just cheating, dirty and wrong.

How long should you wait before you finger your girl friend?

I waited about 3 months before I let my boyfriend finger me, partially because I wanted to move slower than I did in my past relationships. But whenever you feel like it is time or, you are ready then go for it. If she doesn't want you to she'll tell you!