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That decision is entirely up to you. Which one do you love more. If you love your best male friend more go for it and break up with your boyfriend. But if your boyfriend means more to you hold on to the good thing you have.

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Q: Should I leave my boyfriend for my best male friend because he loves me more and I love him?
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Well then the girl is being cruel and needs to lay off! If they actually like the boyfriend they can accept that the guy is happy (NOT at the discretion of the girl).tell the girl to lay off and if they don't, tell the boyfriend the girl is lying and and why so you can leave the decision to him.The girl should not believe the not-so-friend because she has to ask her boyfriend first. You cant just believe someone about your relationship without asking your boyfriend first. You should trust him if he's normally a trustworthy guy and if he doesnt have a history for cheating. He would tell the truth about it and just tell the not-so-friend to leave you guys alone and say your friendship is O-V-E-R.

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follow her every where!!

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you should leave him if your boyfriend threatens you in anyway your to good for him so ditch him NOW

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Maybe you should reconsider whom you call a friend. In my opinion, you should walk away from the situation. It is always more difficult to walk away when the "friends," are from your job or some other facet of your life. Make positive changes to leave these people behind you. Good luck.

What do you do when your ex boyfriend gets a new girl friend?

You let him go forget him if he found someone new so should you. You don't do anything, and you leave them alone. Turn it around the other way: Wouldn't you want him to just leave you alone when you get a new boyfriend?