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Noone can tell you if you should believe him. It depends on how much you trust him. If you do trust him and feel safe with him then you should give him the chance to prove to you he is being truthful. But only ONE chance. Meaning if he ever does hit you he's used up his only chance, If he did it once he will do it again, no matter how many times he says he won't. And besides, every time after that when he gets mad you'll wonder if he'll hit you again. It would probably be a good idea to talk to him about it and let him know that his anger scares you sometimes, and you know he cares for you and doesn't want to hurt you but sometimes peoples emotions get out of control and they act without thinking. Let him know that if it ever does happen you will leave and you will NOT come back. Maybe the two of you can come up with a way for him to vent his anger in ways other than hitting things. Best of luck!

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Q: Should I believe my BF when he says he will not hit me when he is upset eventhough he hits things?
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