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if you are risking your friendship and its a good friendship let her make a move first

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Q: Should I ask her out and risk our friendship or just stay friends?
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How do you say no to one of your friends who likes you bout you don't like them more then that?

How about, "Let's just keep things as they are and not risk losing a good friendship."

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You can tell the person that they're a really great person and all, but that you think you and them should just stay friends for a while. The other option is to risk it and promise you'll still be friends after you break up.

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There is absotutlty nothing wrong with being friends with a homosexual. Even if you are the same gender. Just because he or she prefers the same gender, it doesn't mean that someone is going to risk their friendship. Many straight people have healthy, loving, and fun friendships with the gay community.

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If your friend is real close then you probably wont want to go out so as not to risk your friendship. other than that you should decide.

What does he mean when he says he doesnt want to risk the friendship?

He probably is good friends with you. Usually, if something goes wrong (like a break-up) with good friends, the friendship is never the same again. It becomes awkward.

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This is very touchy. You need to tell him that you value his friendship too much to risk losing it over a failed relationship, were you two to date.

Be honest with your friends or risk losing them?

Risk losing them. After all there are millions of people out there seeking friendship who would be glad to have you take them as their friend. No compromise.

A girl you like knows you like her and is still your friend what should you do?

Stay friends!! Dont risk ruining your friendship. If she starts to feel the same, I'm sure she will let you know. Don't rush!!

What do you do when you like your friends boy friend?

Try your best to forget about him. There are plenty of other guys. And, remember, guys come and go as they see other girls. But friends are friends. If you aren't really good friends, you can risk your friendship.

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Think about if you really like him back, before you do anything. If you really do, then think about if you want to risk your friendship or not, because if you end up breaking up, your regular friendship may be lost. But if you don't like him back, just politely tell him that, but that you still want to be friends. This might even strengthen your friendship, because you know that he likes you, so there will be a very special bond there, and you can continue to be friends.

What do I do if I'm in love with a girl who I've known for 9yrs but she says she just wants to be friends but I know my feelings for her will never die?

There is nothing you can do. other than respect her decision and try to come to terms that it might not become anything more than friends. If you try to push it you could risk spoiling a good friendship. It's better to have a friendship than have nothing at all.

What do you do if you are friends with the boy you like and you want to tell him you like him but your afraid it my ruin your friendship?

flirt with him but don't go over the top send little signs to make him think that he likes you if he flirts back then you have your answer if he is the same then take a risk that's what life's all about if he does reject you he will say that he just wants to be friends so don't make it awkward if he does say no just ct the same as before and don't let it ruin your friendship