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Private problems are those that involve intimate or personal details that will either be solved by the individual or those close to him like friends and family. Public issues, are the ones that affect people in a given geographical area. These problems will usually require some form of legislation to be resolved. Social policy are issues that are handled by laws and procedures that have been mutually accepted by the citizens in a community.

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11y ago

Social policy primarily refers to guidelines, principles, legislation, and activities that affect the living conditions conducive to human welfare while Public policy as government action is generally the principled guide to action taken by the administrative or executive branches of the state with regard to a class of issues in a manner consistent with law and institutional customs.

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The public administration and economics have a very complex relationship with one another. For instance, the public administration does the policies, which can either make or break the economy.

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The ecology of public administration shows the relationship between citizens and government policies. This is what will facilitate the implementation of government policies.


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Public policies generally don't deviate from prevailing public attitudes for very long.

What is the relationship between public opinion and policy-making?

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Five interests affected by public policy decisions?

Numerous interests are affected by public policy decisions. Five examples are: food policy decisions affect consumer and corporate interests, public policy decisions affect crops that are allowed to be grown which affect consumer, farmer, and corporate interests; policies concerning the handicapped affect their interests, many types of policy policy decisions affect corporations' interests, and policies about animals affect the interests of pet owners and farmers.

How is money involved in public policy?

Generally speaking, public policies in any government, such as law enforcement policies or creating & maintaining a military, require funding. A government cannot enforce its own public policies without spending the money needed to do so. This is accomplished by taxation. By different types of tax policies a government receives the monies necessary to run itself and enforce public policies.

What is the primary goal of interest groups?

Influencing laws and policies.

What is a cataloguing policy?

its a framework which provides public statement of the libraries current policies concerning cataloguing of its collection.

Who has responsibility for the implementation of policy?

The government of the day is usually responsible for implementation of the public policies. To successfully implement the public policies, the government of the day uses various departments and ministries in its structure to achieve this goal.