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You my friend should find a new group of friends or grow up and get yourself a boyfriend too (:

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Q: Recently my 3 best friends have got boyfriends and never seem to spend with me anymore because their all too busy spending time with their new lads. What should i do?
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Because they think that you may still be close to them, or maybe because they want to rub it in your face that you aren't together anymore.

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No! Because nobody don't cut of their boyfriends that will be silly!

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I don't know because recently updated their website and there is no "close account" button anymore. (edit this if you can now.)

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Maybe because they don't want to like you and are trying to get over you so they don't want to talk to you anymore. Just move on, I'm sure you will find better.

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i honestly dont think you can anymore because i have recently tried to get on my account again and i was tottally confused about how to and it ownt let me ..srry ...

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Maybe it is because they are emotionally attached to them and are willing to do anything to keep them with them.

What do you do if you think your boyfriends cheating on you?

Tell him that if he can't choose between her and you then it's over.Or dump him, because once a cheater always a cheater. My boyfriend recently asked my best friend out but she told me right away, I'm heartbroken but this just means he was bad news, so he's not worthy of me. More than likely your boyfriends not good enough for you to.

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MY opinion of why they get boyfriends is because they dont put themselves out there like the non insecure girls do.

You need to be slapped?

Because you slept with your boyfriends best friend.