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Q: Person who has worked for more than a decade?
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How do you put decade into a sentence?

We have lived in this house for more than a decade

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Society is more advanced today than it was a decade ago but not as advanced as it will be in another decade.

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Angelina worked more

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Is digital more popular than film?

Yes, it has been for about a decade now.

Who is the most famous person in Serbia and why?

Novak Djokovic because he is considered a top 10 tennis player in the history of the sport and he represdents a nation no more than a decade old.

What are facts about the medieval decade?

All the roman Legions had more than 1000 men

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Do you have to file a tax return if you worked as a contractor and made less than 4K in 2008?

Any self-employed person who earned more than $400 must file.

Should anybody have any more or less than somebody else?

Well, this is a question that doesn't really have a right or a wrong answer. Now, if you worked harder than, say, for example, the whole class, then of course you deserve to have more than them! But if you worked hard for a certain something, and then other person got it, that wouldn't be really fair, would it?! If both of you worked very hard, then you should split it in half, if possible. If none of you worked for it, none of you should get it. It's only fair that way. In general, no, nobody should have any more or less than anybody else.

When you complete a job but use more time and deffort than is truly necessary how have you worked?

When you complete a job but use more time and effort than is necessary how have you worked.

Is an Intel Pentium better than an Intel Pentium D?

No. The Pentium predates the Pentium D by more than a decade.