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Q: Okay so i told my friend to tell my crush whos not even popular to tell him i like him. in the text message he says i hope no tears are shed but in class he keeps on staring at me can i have hope?
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Stop staring at her in class. She is not interested.

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An sms message is a short message to send back and forth between friends. It can be a fast way to get a quick answer, stay in toch with a friend, or keep from getting bored in a class.

How do you know if a guy is staring at you in class or not?

Well, if you have a friend in that class, ask them to give a quick and casual glance so that the boy doesn't see, but your friend does. If possible ask them without the guy seeing or being able to tell. He may not even notice he's doing it.

A boy is mean to you and stares at you in class does he like you?

ProbablyIf a boy is staring at you it normally means two thingshe is just staring at you for no reasonor if he is continually staring at you he obviously likes youD Sapphire x

How do you stop someone from staring at you in class?

give them a look like your uncomfortable, hopefully that works?????

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you might find him staring at you alot during class

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Get a second opinon, ask someone else in your class if they have seen him staring at you. Your friend could be lying just to wind you up because she knows that you like him. But he could just be a very fast head turner! =]

Will a guy stare at you for a few months almost everyday if you stared at him during a class long time ago?

well that depends whether its a love stare or a mean stare. if its a mean one and hes staring at you to get you back for staring at him in class, the probably but if its a nice stare then no.

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A friend is any class, class method or function that is declared to be a friend of a class. Friends have private access to the classes that declare them friends.

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Does a guy in your class like you he is always staring at you?

no not always he may be day dreaming or you have something in your hair or teeth

Should you be happy if a boy in your class said that he like someone in your class when he was staring strait in your eyes?

Maybe, maybe not... if it's someone you don't like, probably not.