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tell him how you feel and if he keeps on insisting then tell him you can make your own decisions and mistakes. tell him to try and support your decisions and make an effort for sake.

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Q: Ok here is the deal your dad wants you to break up your with your boyfriend but you love him and do not want to and he makes you so happy should you listen to your dad or listen to your heart?
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If your boyfriend is cheating on you should break up with him. Because he likes someone else and he will make you look like a jerk if you try to break them up. You should find a new boyfriend a boyfriend that will be nice to you and love you. You will be happier and you will make him happy just to be with you.

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i dont know if you can really control that ? If the girl you like is dating someone and shes happy in that relationship i think you should leave it be. If you know for a fact she likes you and is still with her boyfriend then maybe she should dump him and go for you,

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* Whatever differences you have together you are both the parents of your baby. You should meet your ex boyfriend in a public place and communicate to him that he has a right to see his child, but you do not love him and you are happy with your new boyfriend. It will pain him, but he'll have to accept it and if he does not listen to you and makes any threatening remarks to you or your boyfriend or he is stalking you then get the police involved.

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well if you know he truly likes/loves you, then you should express it by caring. You should just listen to him and try and make him happy. If he really likes you then he should do the same for you. And depending on how old you are, you should tell him how much you truly love him.

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Honesty is the best policy when you want to break up with your boyfriend. Sit him down and explain to him you are not happy in the relationship and want to break up. Yes, it will hurt him, but you will hurt him more if you are stuck in this relationship.

What should you message your boyfriend on valentines?

Happy Valentines Day! <3

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tell her to stop it or you will tell her boyfriend. It is not fair on him she is doing this. If she is not happy with him being away all week she should tell him.