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When your boyfriend goes to the prom next year you should be able to go with him. It should not matter what school you go too.

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Q: Next year my BF will be in highschool and I will be in middle For homecoming next year would I be able to go with him as his date even tho Im in a diff school and grade?
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Do freshman get to go to homecoming dance?

Yes, all grade levels in the high school can go to homecoming.

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Yes, because you are not yet in High school and you are not in elementary school so You are a Junior hent's before. when you get to the 6th grade (some schools 7th) You are considered a junior highschool student.

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usually it depends on the high school but if you go to a middle/high school you most likely you have to be invited by someone in high school ;)

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Middle School 8th grade In 6th grade, middle school.

Does your grade in seventh grade matter?

yes, highschool look at your grades from jh, and college depends on where you go to school.

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Do you think someone who skipped grade school could jump right into highschool? NO not at all. If grade school were optional then high school would have to be optional.. and of course college is already optional.

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Lincoln High schoolEminem went to a highschool in Detroit but he just attended and then repeated the 9th grade three times and then he dropped out.

In middle school what grade do you have to be in to go to prom?

Well at my old highschool you had to be either a junior or a senior to attend on your own but could be invited by a junior or senior as low as the 9th grade. A lot of schools are different in their rules though.

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South side middle school is 6th 7th and 8th grade

How many classess does a sixth grade travel in middle school aday?

6th grade isn't in middle school!

Does sixth grade have to be in middle school?

No, in my school district sixth grade is in intermediate school. Only seventh and eighth graders are considered to be middle school students.