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talk to your mom and tell her how uncomfortable it makes you. and try to spend less time with him.

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Q: My mums boyfriend is constantly jealous of anything i do or get - what should i do?
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Oo... I would back off. If you really are a friend, don't do anything. Besides, there are plenty of boys in the world.

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Well i think you should just let it play out and if he cares about you he will not cheat on you or anything bad like that.

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it means that you should not be jealous of anything that belongs to your neithbours.

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You probably shouldn't be friends. If you are always jealous of your best friend, you will always fight and whats the point in that? I mean, a few fights are good for a friendship. But if you are constantly jealous and figting, mabye you should find a new group of people

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get another boyfriend because he is jealous and u don't need that get another boyfriend he is jealous and u don't need that

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i think you should talk to him about it and stay with for a few more weeks ,and if he is still jealous break up with him because he cant deal with the fact that you have a good relationship with a nother person.but its not a boyfriend girlfriend relationship.

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Time.don't be jealous move on!you should try to move on and find the one that's right for you.

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You should just ignore them and date someone else better then her or him.

What should you do if your ex-boyfriend tries to make you jealous with another girl?

Use reverse psychology. Get another boyfriend to make your ex jealous. And if you can't get another guy, ignore it. Act COMPLETELY oblivious to his new relationship.

Should you be jealous if your boyfriend hangs with his friend who is a boy?

What's there to be jealous. Do you expect your boyfriend to hang out with other girls or Uncle & aunties. Obviously he is supposed to hang out with his own friends and that too boys. Its something very natural.