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When people marry strong bonds are formed. When my parents divorced they still called each other on a daily basis just to talk, this went on for almost a year. Now when they meet they greet each other like old buddies. It is not surprising if they still have feelings for one another, it's natural. I wouldn't be to worried about it, but if you are concerned about it then monitor his calls. If he is on the phone in another room, just listen, and when he is done enter the room and ask him who was on the phone. If his answer doesn't fit with what he was saying then talk to him about the relationship between him and his ex wife. Be firm, but don't get angry, demand his respect.

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Q: My live in boyfriend still talks to his ex wife. They were married for 10 years and cared for each other when both of their fathers passed on. But she calls him about everything Should i be worried?
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