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no. give her time. it'd be weird and stalkerish for you to talk to her mom and she wouldn't want to be with you even more. put yourself in her position.. thers a kid you were with and you do'nt want to be with her anymore and then all of a sudden she's calling your mom.. you'd be weirded out.

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Q: My girlfriend broke up with me in school her mom loved me and hopes my ex and i can be friends also said she broke cause she is still young 2 year difference. I'm 17. i want her back. talk to her mom?
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I don't know what you have to heal about because you broke your ex-girlfriend's heart. You cheated and broke that bond of trust with your girlfriend. Now you're paying the price. However, her friends should butt out and leave it up to the two of you to work out one way or the other. Apparently your girlfriend is immature and is playing the "wounded sparrow" scenerio to get friends to feel sorry for her and do her own fighting for her. The both of you should be discussing this and no one else should be involved.

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