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you got a messed up house

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Q: My crush is coming over to my house and talks to me my mom and friends what could this mean?
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Where should you meet up with your crush?

you could meet up after school,her or your house,in the theaters,the park

Could you prank call your friends house?

Depends how l8 it!

You dreamed of your crush sleeping and staying at your house what does this mean?

?u have a crush

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It means he could care less about your relationship.

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TripIf you were to walk from your house to your friends house the distance and direction between your house and your friends house is your trip or mileage.

Who are Juliet's friends?

Juliet does not appear to have any friends apart from her Nurse. How could she? She's only allowed out of the house to go to confession.

Who are Juliet friends?

Juliet does not appear to have any friends apart from her Nurse. How could she? She's only allowed out of the house to go to confession.

Who are Juliet's friends?

Juliet does not appear to have any friends apart from her Nurse. How could she? She's only allowed out of the house to go to confession.

Crush on your best friends brother But im not allowed to date And your parents know him but not that you like him Niether does he Ive stayed the night at his house too What do you do?

Just talk to him. Tell him you like him.

How do you make up excuses just to be around your crush who is your best friends older brother?

To make up excuses to be around your crush who is your best friend\'s older brother, simply spend more time at your best friend\'s house, hanging out or studying.

Why is ponyboy concerned about his friends seeing the house and not about randy seeing the house?

ponyboy is concerned because their life could be better than his