This is a decision you take with your boyfriend,
There are several reasons not to want a baby;
you might not know him long enough.
There are people who want to get married first before having a baby.
Being too young
too muchresponsibilty
she doesnt have one yet
There was a scandal with Teak yeon, 2PM. But Yoona doesnt have a boyfriend yet...
well, i think that if you want to take the relationship slow go ahead but if your boyfriend is the one that doesnt want to kiss you then i would break up with him unless its you that doesnt want to kiss him... you should be slow and steady because you dont want to do anything you will regret and if it's your boyfriend who's not ready give him time, maybe he's one of those boys that is more interested in you then "moving to 1st base" so to speak and if its you thats not ready your boyfriend needs to respect the fact that you have your border lines also.
Woohoo 15 times and then tap try for a baby I haven't tried it yet be cause I don't even have a boyfriend on it yet lop
Talk to him, get to know each other. Maybe you have things in common that you don't know yet.
Maybe because he does not feel ready yet
no way she is 24 and doesnt want a child yet
no because he doesnt want one yet
It means that he loves you and doesnt want anyone else to have you, He's just not ready to pop the question yet.
either he is just saying he likes you because he doesnt want to hurt your feelings. or he isn't sure if he likes you enough yet to go out with you. or even his friends might know yall have something going on and they don't like you so he doesnt want people to know yet because he doesnt want to get made funn of by his friends.
I think you have to be married before you have a baby. And i dont think MILEY CYRUS wants to have a baby yet she is only aout 22 i think.
Try and get him help, and if he doesnt take it... walk away