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I do not want to miss lead you. It really depends on the circumstances, differences in personalities, value systems, etc. However, my personal opinion is this. After being together for a year, one should know how one feels about another. If love has not grown by now, I really don't think there is much chance it will grow now (although I never like to say never). The issue is, how do you feel? Are you willing to invest more time in this relationship under these circumstances? I hate when people use the phrase, "not at the same level as you." Well, what would cause that level to change at a later date? I would give this careful consideration. The one thing I believe you should not feel, is that this person is the one and only for you. In addition, that there is nobody else that would want you etc. In other words, do not stay in this relationship out of fear. You should have someone who really cares about you, who holds you up, nurtures you, who cherishes you, respects you, in essence one who is totally in-love with you. There are men out there who will, so don't forget that. Best wishes!

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Q: My boyfriend and I have been together a year he said I love you once and I have said it more to him but he says I am not at the same level you are does that mean he doesnt really love me?
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