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Your birthday is January 20.

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Q: My birthday is in January what is the minimum number of yesno questions you need to ask to guess the date of my birth?
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How many people in the world have a birthday on January-24?

It is estimated that approximately 19 million people worldwide celebrate their birthday on January 24th. However, this number may vary due to factors such as birth rates and population growth.

How many questions can you miss out of 42 questions?

To determine the number of questions you can miss out of 42 questions, you need to know the passing score or the minimum number of correct answers required. Without this information, it is not possible to specify the number of questions you can miss.

Is birthday ordinal or nominal?

It is an ordinal value. ----- Here's one way to see this. Suppose you start take birthday 1 January 2000 to be 1, birthday 2 January 2000 to be 2, ... , birthday 31 January 2000 to be 31, then birthday 1 February 2000 to be 32, and so on, number all of the birthdays until today, you will have a number of about 5104. If you need birthdays before 1 January 2000 you could use negative numbers. Clearly these numbers are ordered and form an ordinal scale.

Where can I order or print birthday banners?

Birthday banners are available at a number of locations. Stationary stores such as Staples, or Office Depot can do large-scale printing jobs with a minimum of fuss.

What can you get for free on your birthday?

Many restaurants, such as Denny's, will offer a birthday celebrant a free meal on his birthday. Proof of birthday is required. Sometimes a minimum number of people is required on the total cheque for the freebie to be granted. Similarly, many bars will offer a free drink to a birthday celebrant, under similar conditions.

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A wild guess of mine has always been something to do with his birthday.…January 15th.

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How many queston do you need to get right on s1 school bus test to pass?

The minimum number you must answer correctly is(0.01) x (the percentage needed to pass) x (the number of questions on the test).

What is the minimum number of people randomly selected required to insure a 100 percent probability that at least two of them have the same birthday?

366 x 2 = 732 I don't think so. You might find that you would select 366 individuals with distinct birthdays. However, the next person would inevitably have the same birthday as one of those already selected. Therefore, the minimum number to select is 367.

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There is a minimum number, it is one.

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The minimum oxidation number for nitrogen is -3.

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You would need to know the number of questions on the test, and then multiply that number by 0.08 to find the number of essay questions.