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A closed system is defined as a system which is self contained. It does not exchange material, information or energy with its environment for example system in manufacturing are often designed to minimise unwanted exchanges with the environment outside the system, so that manufacturing process can operate without disturbance from supplier, customer etc. A computer programme is also a relatively closed system because it accepts only previously defined inputs, process them & provides previously defined outputs.

open system exchanges information, material & energy with the environment i/c random & undefined inputs, examples are biological system & organisational system.

In a closed system, the user may have some choice

about what to report on, but they are limited to

predefined output formats. These are often easy to

use. They mainly use graphical formats and are often

aimed at management.

In an open system, there is often great flexibility on what

to report on and the format in which the information

is output. This powerfulness may mean that significant

training is needed before the systems can be effectively

used. Open systems are aimed more at analysts. They

typically use both graphical and textual formats.

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Q: Management information system closed and open system?
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