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Yes,men do wear a wedding ring.In Holland when one gets married,there are two rings-one for the man and one for the woman.

And for those who aren't of Holland, we wear wedding bands/rings too, though some workplaces forbid the wearing of them for safety issues. This is why one of our fingers are called the ring finger, for it is just for the adornment of matrimonial jewelry. This rule was enstated because one guy got caught by his wedding ring while working which led to damage done to machinery as well as a severed finger!

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17y ago
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13y ago

In Orthodox ceremonies, only the groom gives the bride a ring.

In Conservative ceremonies, the groom gives the bride a ring and the bride may or may not give the groom a rings.

In most other groups, the bride and groom exchange rings.

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15y ago

If two people are in love it doesn't matter if the man wears a wedding band. Some men don't mind at all while other men generally don't like wearing a wedding band because of the type of work they do (perhaps getting one of their fingers caught in a machine.) A wedding band does not secure the fact that the man will be faithful to his face and visa-versa.

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8y ago

Yes they do. The rings usually consist of a very simple plain white gold or yellow gold band and occasionally with small diamonds depending on personal preferences and/or budget.

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15y ago

Wedding rings are worn on the left hand.

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13y ago

Yes, but many of them don't.

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Do you wear your engagement ring on the right hand?

Your engagement ring goes on the left hand ring finger, then at the wedding you move it to the right hand so your wedding ring can be placed on this finger and move it back later. You can buy engagement and wedding rings that match, but if you have a very fancy engagement ring it is better to have a plain wedding ring.

Do other Europeans wear their wedding rings on the right hand?

No. It depends on the country, culture and religion of the wearer. For example:European Jews always wear the ring on the left hand.In some Orthodox Christian countries place the ring on the left hand prior to the wedding, and the right hand after.England places the ring on the left hand.

Wedding ring hand?

Your left hand.

Why do men wear wedding ring on the right hand?

In the US it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the Left Hand.

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all over the world the wedding ring is accepted to be on the left hand but only for the orthodox christians its on the right hand.

Which hand wedding ring go?

Left hand ring finger

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The wedding ring goes on the left hand; the finger next to the pinkie. With some Europeans the wedding ring goes on the right hand.

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There are no particular words shouted at a Jewish wedding. But AFTER the wedding, you can shout Mazel Tov (which means "congratulations")

Do French wear wedding ring on right hand?

Yes, French people do wear their wedding ring on the right hand. However, in the United States, people wear their wedding rings on their left hand.

How should you wear your wedding ring?

Wedding band first, then engagement ring. The wedding band should be worn closer to the heart, because it is more of a commitment. The engagement ring should not be worn at the ceremony or it can be worn on the right hand and put on after the wedding ring/band. & on the left hand on your ring finger. (next to pinkie)

When Jewish women are married by putting ring on right index finger do they move it to another finger afterward?

they wear wedding rings on the left hand, though it is placed on the right hand during wedding ceremony

What hand does the girl have to wear her wedding ring on?

Traditionally, wedding rings are worn on the left hand.