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You should never give up on love because one day your gonna find a guy who will love you and treat you right.

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Q: Iv'e been following this one guy i like around like a lost puppy trying to find any sort of love for a year and a half he only wants to be friend no guy wants me should i give up on love 4 ever?
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Well, frankly I don't think your friend is good friend if he is trying to take your girl. Maybe you should find another friend who will respect you.

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One of the signs is you friend is trying to get you to break up with your boyfriend. Also when ever you are alone together she comes in and interups you. If she is always laughing and "acting dumb" around him that's another sign. If she's trying to always hang around him and his friends that should be pretty obvious.

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If your friend acts like a jerk when your around other people then people will tell you that he or she is trying to impress you. This could be true, but they are saying that to make you feel better. Other reasons are that he is uncomfortable and trying to impress them or he is feeling insecure.

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Possibly, it might also be that the friend is trying to put one of you on the spot.

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you should STARE at him/her during class TIP:DON'T get noteced

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it depends on your friend.